Amavia Exhibition

Identity and Mutability

Our Gallerist

Aloisia Leopardi studied Criticism, Communication and Curation at Central Saint Martin’s University, London. Between 2014 and 2017 she worked for 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair in London and New York; and between 2017 and 2021 she worked as Associate Director for the London gallery Edel Assanti. In 2019 Aloisia founded the residency and exhibition programme Castello San Basilio, in Basilicata, in the south of Italy where she curates between three to four exhibitions every year.

Villa Gaïa 2022

Identity and Mutability is a group exhibition presenting work by Tereza Cervenová, Christopher P. Green, Tom Lovelace, David Murphy and Rade Petrasevic.

The exhibition consists of over twenty artworks installed throughout AMAVIA’s Villa Gaia. Creating a uniquely immersive experience for its guests, it explores the themes of identity and mutability, highlighting the tension between a fixed moment in time and its states of change.

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said ‘change is the only constant in life’. Artists have always been interested in analysing this concept by depicting and defining moments in flux. In the exhibition each one of the selected artists approaches identity and mutability in a different manner: either by portraying the essence of ephemeral subject matter, or through precise creative processes using unpredictable mediums.

Tereza Cervenová

Tereza Cervenová’s work is characterized by juxtaposing delicate imagery and soft light with political and personal references.

Christopher P. Green

Christopher P. Green’s practice consists primarily of paintings, installations and books.

Tom Lovelace

Tom Lovelace’s work explores the boundaries of representation.

David Murphy

David Murphy’s selection of paintings showcase the artist’s strong interest in the shape and dimensions of living and natural forms.

Rade Petrasevic

Rade Petrasevic’s paintings use a distinctive and vibrant palette, which is intensified by his use of flat, expressive brushstrokes that handle the oil paint as if it were a marker pen.


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