Amavia Collection Experience

A stay at one of the Amavia Collection properties is not only a holiday,
it offers an unforgettable experience that encompasses a luxury getaway and a treat for all the senses.

Culinary experience

Well known Michelin-starred chef, Alain Llorca, as executive chef of the Amavia Collection, creating menus, selecting products and setting an exceptional standard to deliver to our customers tailored culinary experiences, both casual and gastronomic, with a focus on organic products where possible. A large wine cellar representing all French regions to complete your experience.


Beautiful art exhibited throughout the villas, carefully selected by our dedicated art director. The first collection is entitled Identity and Mutabilty and features an immersive experience designed around more than 20 works by artists.

In house services
and concierge

On-site house staff and butler with a dedicated in-house concierge service to provide a wide range of services and activities for you to enjoy and explore the area.


Your Dream Home Awaits

An environmentally friendly setting and experience with organic food and beverages, toiletries and linens.

Booking Enquiry